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Lectrify is the flagship product of Imagination Supply Co. It was created by two educators based in San Francisco. Over the years, we’ve designed, prototyped and tested interactive hands-on curriculum for kids. Our goal is to make project based learning engaging and educational for individuals of any age. The circuits are universally embeddable meaning they can be used on all types of materials – paper, wearables, arts & crafts.
We think it’s important that functionality closely maps to how circuits actually work. While testing our ideas, we found that since many of the day-to-day electronics we interact with are so ‘overdesigned’ - essentially hiding how the product works - there are common misconceptions about science. Our goal is to design educationally engaging product that is scientifically accurate. Therefore our components follow standard circuit diagrams and terminology.
Diego is a resident tinkerer at Castilleja School in Palo Alto. He has worked with dozens of teachers to incorporate hands-on curriculum into their classrooms.
Kirti has a graduate degree in Education in Learning, Design and Technology. She developed DesignDuo, a collaborative DIY toolkit to engaged girls in STEM learning.
Lectrify is great for all levels of learners from beginners to trained engineers. In our testing, we’ve found individuals of all ages and abilities can use our circuits.
We’ve designed Lectrify to be used in informal learning environments in addition to classrooms. Summer camps, after-school programs or even birthday parties could be a great place to have fun, create something cool and learn something along the way.
We feel its more important for individuals to be more empowered with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, and math) concepts, regardless of whether they go on to be future engineers.
Lectrify helps kids and adults practice 21st century skills - problem solving, spatial reasoning, design thinking and more. You’ll be happy to know that our curriculum also meets Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.
Overall, Lectrify helps build STEM-confidence!