ENGINEERING & Design Thinking
NGSS Engineering Design is covered in the following project. For a more detailed list of standards, click here.
Skill Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Duration: 2 hours
Explore the engineering process with a pizza racer project.
Skill Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Duration: 2 hours
Explore the engineering process by racing colorful daisies!

simple logic
These projects address the following NGSS concepts. Click here for a detailed list.
- Energy
- Engineering Design

Skill level: Beginner
Duration: 1-2 hours
Explore how switches enable simple logic.
Hands on Physics
These projects cover topics included in the AP Physics content area of DC Circuits. For more information about AP Physics standards, please visit this link.
Transistors are the building blocks for modern electronics and the Touchpad circuit is a great introduction to their basic function.
Take your exploration of transistors the next step beyond the TouchPad with this board that uses a a photo-transistor coupled with an NPN transistor to create a light activated circuit.
Build a circuit that senses a change in a sensor while exploring the properties of this fundamental circuit, the Wheatstone Bridge.
Enable students to explore physical computing with the micro:bit and bit:booster. Order with or without a micro:bit. Comes with 5 How To cards to start exploring physical computing out of the box.
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Coding is a journey and exploring should be fun: the bit:explorer is your ultimate companion.
Order with or without a micro:bit. Comes with 4 How To cards to start exploring physical computing out of the box.
Skill Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Duration: 2 hours
Explore the engineering process with a pizza racer project.
Each kit serves 10 students (or 20 if paired)