The bit:booster is designed to easily control two classes of motors: DC Motors and Servo Motors
Servo Motors
Servo motors are popular because they are low cost, small, and have a high level of control.
DC Motors
DC motors are the most commonly available motors because they are simple and low cost. DC motors directly convert electrical into mechanical energy, usually by producing and electromagnetic field. The direction of the motor is reversed by reversing the polarity to the motor. The bit:booster controls DC motors through what is known as an H-Bridge. The H-Bridge requires two of the micro:bit pins per motor to control the motor. Motor A is controlled by P1 for direction and P15 for power. Motor B is controlled by P8 for direction and P16 for power. Here is some sample MakeCode for moving the motors forward, backward, right and left. NOTE: Since every motor is different, you might have to flip the jumper around to make your motor direction map the “forward” and “backward” of the code.