Coding is a journey, make exploring fun!

The bit:explorer is the perfect companion for exploring coding through making. The bit:explorer was designed around the principle of low threshold, no ceiling… and fun! Whether you are a beginner or a power user, the bit:explorer is the only board you need to get the most out of the micro:bit.

Physical Computing and Games

Wearable Tech

The micro:bit’s built in accelerometer lends itself to exploring lots of exciting wearable tech projects.

The step counter project is a great starting point and this document provides some ideas for exploring things in greater depth.

Have a Ball!

This 3D printed ball provides students an engaging form factor to explore various programming concepts that take advantage of the onboard gyro/magnetometer/accelerometer, lights and sound. Sample projects include:


  • Count catches without dropping the ball.

  • Create a game of hot potato

  • Design a magic 8 ball

  • Design a game where balls interact with each other…


  • How much force is put on the ball when it is caught vs. dropped?

  • How can we influence the force on the ball?

  • What can we learn from logging the real time data from the accelerometer?


The bit:explorer makes robotics easy with built-in servo connections. Start simple with a talking robot that only uses one motor then keep expanding with additional motors and sensors. Here are some ideas to get started with:

Talking Robot

Take advantage of the micro:bit’s built in sound sensor to make a lip-synching robot. This is great starter project because both the build and code can start very simple but both lend themselves to endless creativity and imagination. A good place to start is with Cecilia Hillway’s Instructable.

Only materials needed are a positional servo motor and you bit:explorer and micro:bit. Recommended materials are glue dots, canary cutters, and craft materials.

Walking Robot

Take your bit:explorer for a walk with 2 continuous servos and this fun 3D Printed project. Files and instructions can be found on Thingiverse.

Do you have another bit:explorer or Makey:bit and a Mission Control? Here’s some sample code you can use for the Mission Control. Control the robot itself with this code.


If you have access to a laser cutter, why not make a simple car for your bit:extplorer. This version has 3D printed wheels (spoiler and front wheels are optional).

Laser Cutter File: Buggy

3D Printing Files (on Tinkercad): File Rear Wheel, Rear Wheel Tread (TPU or softer recommended), Front Wheel, Front wheel (marble option), Spoiler.

Guitar Project

Build a guitar that plays 4 power chords. This project is based on this wonderful Inventables project by Nasha Dzurny

Parts List: 4 Button Keypad, Male-Female Pin Wire, Guitar Body Template,

Follow this link for the MakeCode Code


Build your Way

The bit:explorer is designed for makers. It aligns with LEGO and the compact form factor, with multiple connection, options make it easy to build projects with most common building materials.