Get started in your classroom

1. Start with a school project pack

2. Remove the components from the board by rocking each one back and forth. Place them in labelled bins for students. 

3.  Make your first circuit in 3 easy steps

Aligns with Next Generation Science Standards and CS framework

teacher guides

Click on image to download the entire guide. 

Click on image to download the entire guide. 

Click on image to download guide

Click on image to download guide

 Click on image to download the entire guide.

 Click on image to download the entire guide.

Click on image to download guide

Click on image to download guide

Access To a makerspace?

We've made the laser cutter templates available for educators who have access to a makerspace. Feel free to download the file and cut your own legs out of wood or cardboard.

Pre-cut accessory packs are available in our online store