Getting started with Lego crafts

Lectrify components are sized to fit onto standard LEGO pieces. To get started, all you need is copper tape, a battery holder and an LED.

  1. Lay strips of copper tape in between the LEGO pegs. This will give you the best fit. 
  2. Place components on pegs, remember to connect red to red and white to white. 
  3. Make your own LEGO creation!

Getting started with sewables

Download the guide here.

Download the guide here.

Getting started with Shake it

Start with a Shake it Bulk pack


Lay out materials for students.

Set up surfaces (rough, smooth, etc) for kids to test their ideas.  


  1. Use the on/off switch to turn it on and observe what happens. 
  2. Insert wooden legs or straws into the holes.
  3. Test different 'leg' configurations and surfaces to see how they influence direction and motion. 

Other circuit crafts

Click on image to download Circuit Crafts handout

Click on image to download Circuit Crafts handout


access to A makerspace?

If your camp or makerspace has access to soldering equipment, check out our Very Useful Circuit kits which address more advanced electrical engineering concepts. 

We've made the laser cutter templates available for educators who have access to a makerspace. Feel free to download the file and cut your own legs out of wood or cardboard.

Pre-cut accessory packs are available in our online store