We designed the bit:booster to work with most common, non-proprietary connections because we believe in open hardware. Motors and sensors shouldn’t be restricted to only one kit… that’s why we now have 3 different 9 inch cables to make exploring open hardware easier.

Lego NXT/EV3 - Dupont Connector

Lego Cable Length.jpg
Lego Cable Details.jpg

The Lego NXT and EV3 kits come with many motors and sensors that you can easily control with the bit:booster. Some are more complicated to control than others but the first step is to connect them to the board. This nine inch cable makes it easy to to connect the motors or sensors so you can quickly program to them. It uses the same color scheme as LEGO and on one side has the Nortel connector you need to plug into the sensor or motor and on the other side has female Dupont connectors you can jump into the necessary pins on your board. The images below were taken from this web site https://www.wayneandlayne.com/bricktronics/design-and-theory/ and provide a good example of sample wiring for different sensors. Lego motors should be connected to the h-Bridge using the black and white cables http://www.lectrify.it/lego-motors


dupont - dupont connectors


This simple connector is useful when you need to connect a sensor with headers to the bit:booster headers. You can buy your own on Amazon… but then every cable wouldn’t have the same color scheme: a handy detail when writing curriculum for your students.

GROVE - Dupont Connector
