JetPack is an add-on board for the bit:explorer or Makey:bit that makes it easy to add an OLED screen, 2 DC Motors, 4 Servo Motors, I2C and more neopixels.
JetPackl components are fully supported in in the most common micro:bit programming environments like MakeCode, microPython, etc., enabling students to easily code projects in robotics or physical computing where multiple motors are needed.
Simply snap the JetPack to the back of your Makey:bit or Bit:explorer and you are ready to control up to 6 motors (2 DC motors and 4 Servo motors). The JetPack has a built-in H-Bridge for controlling DC Motors including Lego motors using the appropriate cables. It also has a built in OLED screen to allow for enhanced UI to your projects or for troubleshooting your code.